SnowRunner - Season 7: Compete & Conquer.SnowRunner - Season 5: Build & Dispatch.SnowRunner - Burning Bright Vinyl Wrap Pack.SnowRunner - Year 2 Pass (Compilation of all second year Season DLCs).SnowRunner - Season 3: Locate & Deliver.SnowRunner - Season 2: Explore & Expand.SnowRunner - Season 1: Search & Recover.SnowRunner - Year 1 Pass (Compilation of all first year Season DLCs).

Vehicle Upgrades and Add-Ons - Vehicles will have new upgrades and attachments.Unique Cockpit Views - Vehicles will have unique and detailed interior cockpits, letting you truly immerse yourself in the experience.Improved Visuals - Environments are going to see big improvements in SnowRunner, with more detailed foliage, mud, water, lighting, and more.More Licensed Manufacturers - Vehicles are MudRunner's bread and butter, so of course, the roster is growing! You will get to tear through the mud in new vehicles from manufacturers such as Caterpillar and Pacific.For the first time, you will be able to experience snow under your wheels, in the new Alaska region. New Environments - On top of the Russian and American regions you've seen in MudRunner, the development team are looking to push SnowRunner to new horizons.Larger Environments - The maps will be up to four times larger than MudRunner maps, with vast expanses just waiting for you to explore.